Friday, January 31, 2025

Loma Alta

Hiked: 1/29/2025
Distance: 3.3 miles round trip on trail
Summit Elevation: 1073'
Elevation Gain: 600'
Elevation Gain (in Empire State Buildings): 0.3
Round trip time: 1 hours 15 minutes
Recommended water: 16 oz.
Parking/Fees: Free on Jacks Peak Road
Difficulty: Easy

I spent the week in Monterey, CA with my wife who was there for a conference. I was able to work in a short hike to Loma Alta, the high point on the Monterey Peninsula. This peak was #295 on the California Coastal Peak list (not a Sierra Club list). I drove almost to the top in Jacks Peak County Park. A round trip was possible in less than a half mile, but I extended it by hiking a loop on the extensive local trail network. It was cold, cloudy, and views from the summit were blocked by tall pines and oaks. The trails were wide and smooth. After returning to the starting point, I descended down the Iris trail, intersected the Rhus trail, then took the Pine trail back along the side of the road. I jogged most of the uphills to get the blood pumping. The best views of Monterey Bay were from the Pine trail, but even those were quite limited. It wasn't much, but it got me outside for a while.

View from the topo BM

Loma Alta summit (aka Jack's Peak)

Best view of the Bay

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