Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Boundary Peak, NV

State High Point
Hiked: 7/21/2024
Distance: 8.6 miles round trip on trail and use trail
Summit Elevation: 13141'
Elevation Gain: 3835'
Elevation Gain (in Empire State Buildings): 3.0
Round trip time: 7 hours 15 minutes
Recommended water: 128 oz.
Parking/Fees: Free at Queen Canyon trailhead
Difficulty: Strenuous

Day two of my White Mountains weekend featured Boundary Peak. It's the state high point of Nevada, even though it's a lesser peak in the White Mountains that spilled over the border. Unlike the previous night, I had a restful stay at Best Western in Bishop. I started a little before 7 AM from the Queen Canyon trailhead. The drive on Queen Canyon Road was about 6.3 miles, but rougher than White Mountain Road. The last two miles especially featured very deep ruts and huge rocks. I recommend 4x4. Boundary Peak was appropriately named, less than a half mile from the California border. I broke this hike into a three act play.

Act 1 (The Setup): Trailhead to resting rock

There was a hiking register at the trailhead that was unmaintained. No register and no lid. The start of the trail was very steep, but was smooth as silk. The first part of hike consists of gaining the approach ridge, then dropping to a saddle where Boundary Peak can be accessed. The terrain started out as low scrub with a few bristlecone pines that soon disappeared. I caught a glimpse of three mule deer hopping into the trees, too fast for me to photograph. When I reached the top of the ridge and saw Boundary, it hit me right between the eyes. With granite spires and towers, it was majestic, medieval, Game-of-Thronesy, and daunting. Sometimes, it pays not to do too much research and be pleasantly surprised. At the saddle below the start of the first big slope, there was a single granite rock I named "resting rock". I sat on the rock hydrating, studying the trail, and getting ready for the meaty part of the hike.

From Queen Canyon Road

Trusty and reliable partner

First look at Boundary

"Resting rock"

Act 2 (Confrontation): Resting rock to Hosebag Saddle (11,960')

The trail went up the barren, dirt slope to a saddle below the sub-peak unofficially named Hosebag Peak (Peakbagger). The trail was sandy, but larger rocks were available for assistance. About 1/3 of the way up, splinter trails started appearing. There seemed to be many ways up. I tried to follow the most used trail, which led me to loop left, then right to angle for the saddle. It was a slow grind, but there were no other obstacles. Some useful cairns were set up, but also some questionable ones that led to splinter trails. I may not have always been on the best path, but it went. When I hit the saddle, I got an astounding view of the rest of the ridge and the peak. It was clear the ridge climb would be the crux.


Act 3 (Resolution): Hosebag saddle to the summit

The trail cut below Hosebag into a ridge of boulders. The trail split in front of the bump, one leading directly over the boulders, one cutting sidehill about 100-150' below the ridge, and variations in between. I took the sidehill trail, which maintained a good angle. Cairns appeared occasionally. There were many chances to regain the ridge, but I stuck with the sidehill trail until it merged higher up. Some class 2 was required. At the top of the ridge was a final obstacle with a couple of giant overhanging boulders. I went around the left side, more class 2, but I suspect the right side would have worked as well. After that, it was a short walk to the summit. The benchmark was intact, only placed in 1950. New and old registers were in a large ammo box. I spent some time reading the entries and enjoying the summit. I never saw anyone else all day, but another party had signed in 40 minutes before me. Their only comment was: "we should have taken the other trail". Since I never saw them, I surmised that they took the Trail Canyon trail, a different ridge notorious for bad scree. Views were incredible. Montgomery Peak, slightly higher, was a spiky threat less than a mile away. Montgomery was a game time decision but dark clouds were building. I didn't think I had 2-3 hours to make the round trip in time. The descent went faster than planned and was uneventful. I absolutely loved this mountain. Everything went right and it hit the sweet spot for difficulty and moments of awe.


Final obstacle below the summit

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