Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Cranes Peak, Peak 1540, Peak 1340

Hiked: 1/13/2025
Distance: 4.5 miles round trip on trail and cross country
Summit Elevation: 1054'
Elevation Gain: 1295'
Elevation Gain (in Empire State Buildings): 1.0
Round trip time: 2 hours 15 minutes
Recommended water: 32 oz.
Parking/Fees: Free at South Clevenger Trailhead
Difficulty: Easy

Looking for a quick hike that wasn't too far away, I stumbled on Cranes Peak in Escandido. Several PB reports showed ascents from the side of highway 78, but John Strauch reported going up the Clevenger South trail, then descending along the ridge. I thought that made the trip more interesting, so I downloaded his track. The parking lot for the trail can hold about 10 cars. I made great time up the switchbacks to the official end of the trail at Peak 1540. I looked for any kind of use trail from there, but found nothing, so I went down on the trail to a point where I could see a way to point 1423. I left the trail in knee high grass and dropped into a gully, before pushing through some soft plants up to 1423. I don't know why, but I expected the brush along the ridge to be sparse where I could go around most of it. Instead, I was walking through waist high grass and brush, poking my hiking stick in front of me every step to scare off snakes. On the way to Peak 1340, (the topo marks it 1360), there were some thin spots and animal trails that made it go a little easier. However, getting down to Cranes involved more deep grass and light bushwhacking. While the physical effort merited an easy rating, be aware of the brush involved. It was a short, but steep, 100' gain from the saddle up to Cranes Peak. There were nice views down San Pasqual Valley, sprawling orchards, and San Pasqual Academy below. There was no benchmark or register. I had no desire to bull my way back up the ridge, so I decided to climb down to highway 78 and return along the road. I walked/jogged my way back to the amusement of the motorists zooming by.

Peak 1540

Looking back at the trail and Peak 1540 from the ridge

Peak 1340

Looking up at Cranes Peak

Down the gully to highway 78

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