Friday, October 11, 2024

Rouse Hill and Rouse Ridge

Hiked: 10/9/2024
Distance: 11.5 miles round trip on dirt road and use trail
Summit Elevation: 5168' (Rouse Hill), 5464' (Rouse Ridge)
Elevation Gain: 2150'
Elevation Gain (in Empire State Buildings): 1.7
Round trip time: 4 hours 15 minutes
Recommended water: 80 oz.
Parking/Fees: Free on Forest Route 5S15
Difficulty: Moderate

After Thomas Mountain, I planned to drive most of the way to Rouse Hill (HPS #265) on Forest Route 5S15, which takes a sharp right turn at the intersection with 6S18. There was a locked gate at the intersection with a Road Closed sign, but also a wide path around the gate. I stopped and saw a posted sign stating that the road was closed due to a fire order. The post listed a phone number for the San Jacinto ranger district. I had one bar of signal and I made three attempts to call the ranger station, but none of the calls went through. I debated whether to drive around the gate, eventually deciding to park and walk the road to Rouse Hill. I only realized later looking through photos that the fire closure also included foot traffic. Oops. The GPS showed Rouse Hill was 4 miles away (as the crow flies), but it turned out to be farther on the road. A mile from the intersection, I left the road on the south side to tag a Peakbagger point, Rouse Ridge. I found an old register in some cans and signed it. The road remained flat for a while, then started to wind downhill. I turned a corner and spotted Rouse Hill across a valley. There were good views along the way of the Santa Anas and San Jacinto. The road got steadily worse: no big rocks, but deep ruts and washouts. I'm not sure I could have driven it all the way. When I reached the top of the road, I found a triangle pole marker and thought I was there. However, Rouse Hill was the next bump over and may not be the local high point. It was hard to tell. I waded through some tall grass to a group of rocks where I found the benchmark and a reference mark. The last signature in the register was from February. I rested about 15 minutes, then started back. There was more gain than I remembered on the way back and I worked up a lather during the hottest part of the afternoon. I had plenty of water, though, and made it back in good order.

Looking back at Thomas Mountain from Rouse Ridge

Santa Ana Mountains in the distance

Rouse Hill far left

Rouse Hill summit

San Jacinto

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