Saturday, August 24, 2024

Gaylor Peak

Hiked: 8/23/2024
Distance: 5.2 miles round trip on trail and use trail
Summit Elevation: 11028'
Elevation Gain: 1744'
Elevation Gain (in Empire State Buildings): 1.3
Round trip time: 3 hours 35 minutes
Recommended water: 48 oz.
Parking/Fees: $35 National Parks Fee
Difficulty: Easy

Leisa and I were spending a few days in a cabin at the Convict Lake Resort. We had plans to hike a 12er or 13er, but a freak storm descended on us, bringing high winds and dropping the wind chill 50F in less than 48 hours. So, we set our sights on something less ambitious: Gaylor Peak. Gaylor is just over 11000' and just inside the Yosemite Tioga Pass entrance. We drove to the parking lot and got going. The trail gained 500' quickly before we cleared the trees and saw Gaylor ahead. The wind was steady at 25-30mph with gusts to 45mph. We were well bundled except for our faces, which took the brunt of the wind. There was a decent use trail weaving up into the talus. Fortunately, there were a few stands of pines that offered shelter at several points along the way. The wind grew more fierce as we got closer to the top and it took some effort to stay balanced on some of the rocks. We reached the top, finding no register and no marks, and spent only enough time for photos. The views were nice in all directions, with lakes on all sides of the mountain. We descended the same way, then continued down the trail to Middle Gaylor Lake, then to Upper Gaylor Lake. The northern aspect of Gaylor Peak looked more impressive. The trail climbed up a small hill and ended at cabin ruins and an open mine shaft (Gaylor mine). We turned around there and hiked back against the wind.

First sight of Gaylor


Looking at the north side of Gaylor from cabin ruins

Wide open mine shaft

Mt. Dana and Mt. Gibbs on the descent

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